What Is Malnutrition? Some Related Diseases!


What is malnutrition?

Malnutrition is a condition in which long time deficiency of one or more nutrients slows down physical growth or causes particular clinical disorders, for example, iron deficiency, anemia, goiter, etc. develop due to the deficiency. Malnutrition can also be named as loss of health due to lack of nutrients or imbalance of nutrition. It also involves undernutrition and overnutrition.

Protein and energy lack during the early years of life are one of the most significant problems throughout the world. It causes many clinical syndromes like Kwashiorkor, Marasmus, and Anemia are types of malnutrition diseases.

Types of malnutrition diseases:

There are some malnutrition diseases below:


Kwashiorkor is defined as a type of malnutrition disease. It is also called protein deficiency disease, which occurs due to extremely low consumption of protein or standard protein over a long period of time. Kwashiorkor generates inflammation in the body, especially in the hands, feet, and face. The hair and skin manifest properties variations hair may become light in color. Or loss of pigmentation to reddish yellow and spread in patches, and the skin manifests spots and becomes scaly and peels off.


Extreme deficiency of protein and calories in the diet may develop marasmus. It is not because of calorie lack alone because marasmic children afterward develop kwashiorkor. The general symptoms and signs involve a decrease in body weight and difficulty in weight gain, body fat decrease, and muscles being wasted. The marasmic child is distinguished by its slim, lean skinny aspects, whereas a kwashiorkor child develops edema or inflammation in the body.

The best diet for Kwashiorkor and Marasmus children should be excess in calories and excess in protein such as milk, porridge, boiled groundnut, dal, and rice.

The origins of high protein and calories are eggs, guava, soybeans, rice, lentils, soybeans, mixed flour biscuit, carrots, sprouted green dal, etc.


Nutritional anemia is a type of malnutrition disease and severe health disorder. It develops due to iron deficiency in the diet or body also. It is highly common for women and girls; menstrual wastes and enhanced requirements in pregnancy are some reasons for anemia. A balanced diet with excess protein, iron, Vit C and B Complex is needed. The suggested origins are dry fruit such as raisins, dates, figs, green leafy veg, soybeans, rice bran, gingelly seeds, watermelon, and Chiku.

Other common types of malnutrition disease:


Goiter develops due to prolonged iodine deficiency in the diet. The thyroid becomes swell, which is a major sign of this. Other symptoms are weakness, tiredness, and a decrease in metabolic rate, besides difficulty in breathing and speaking if the inflammation in the neck is very large.

Hypo natremia:

Sodium deficiency in blood and diet caused hyponatremia. The symptoms of hyponatremia are nausea, vomiting, and headache, which can increase convulsions, and even a coma condition.


Beriberi is one of the most common types of malnutrition diseases in Asia. It develops due to vitamin B1 deficiency and causes inflammation and permanent neuron damage. The primary source of vitamin B1 is brown rice. Symptoms of beriberi include paralysis of the lower legs, inability to move, weight loss, and difficulty in speech.


Malnutrition is a condition in which long time deficiency of one or more nutrients slows down physical growth or generates particular clinical disorders, for example, iron deficiency anemia, goiter, etc. There are various other types of malnutrition diseases like kwashiorkor, marasmus, and beriberi.


Question no 1: What are the 4 types of malnutrition?

Answer: There are 4 major kinds of undernutrition:

Loss of muscle, stunting, underweight, and deficiencies of vitamins and minerals.

Question no 2: What are the signs and symptoms of malnutrition?

Answer: Symptoms of malnutrition involve:

  • Decrease in appetite
  • Tiredness
  • Weakness
  • Delay in wound healing

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