About Us

About Ketopedia And Diet:

About ketopedia and diet

Ketopedia And Diet is a platform that provides you the latest information about keto diet. And about all other types of diet. On this site, you can find the benefits and side effects of all diet types. We have tried our best to provide you the comprehensive guide. All the information given is based upon proven facts. None of the articles is opinion based, All the data is taken from reliable sources.

We have devoted team of biochemists and dietitians, who are working to provide you the best knowledge about about diet, specially keto diet!. We always make sure that the information provided is authentic and un biased, So that you can choose wisely!

Recently we are focusing on providing you the basic information about keto and other types of diets, so that you can decide either you are going to opt for the specific type of diet or not.Soon we will be offering customized meal plans! 

About Main Authors:

Arooj Fatima


Biochemist at Children Hospital Lahore.

Dementia Champion at Alzheimer’s Pakistan.

Have been working at “Zero Thalassemia project” at JZT with the collaboration of Fatimid Foundation, Lahore.

Researcher, Medicinal plants to treat cancer.

Working on different diet types, mainly on Keto Diet.

Yasmine M.Ali


Nutritionist at Bahria Hospital Lahore pakistan.

Working with Rain bow nutrition foundation as a Nutritionist.

Have been working at a project named “To Stop Hunger From Pakistan” with the collaboration of Rain Bow Nutrition and with many NGO’s.

Working on public health issues, To cure them by diet therapy.

Working on obesity and its solution through diet.

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If you have any feedback, comments, requests for technical support or other inquiries, please contact us by email.

Email: ketopediandiet@gmail.com.



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