What Is Malnutrition? Some Related Diseases!


What is malnutrition? Malnutrition is a condition in which long time deficiency of one or more nutrients slows down physical growth or causes particular clinical disorders, for example, iron deficiency, anemia, goiter, etc. develop due to the deficiency. Malnutrition can also be named as loss of health due to lack of nutrients or imbalance of …

What Are Major Causes Of Malnutrition In Children!

causes of malnutrition in children

There are some causes of malnutrition in children. A child becomes malnourished because of sickness in link with insufficient food consumption, not enough approach to food, and poor health facilities. The deficiency of safe water and sanitation and insufficient child and mother health care are common reasons. Causes of malnutrition in children: In the Uk, …

Malnutrition Causes, You Must Know And Avoid!

Before knowing about malnutrition causes, we have to know about Nutrition. Malnutrition Causes: There are a number of reasons which cause malnutrition. Here below, these causes are broadly explained. A Low Intake Of Food: Some people face malnutrition because there is not sufficient food present or because they have problems consuming or absorbing nutrients. These …

List Of Healthy Foods For Daily Life!

Healthy foods for daily life

It’s simple to choose which are healthy foods for daily life. A large number of foods are both healthy and delicious. By loading your plate with fruits, vegetables, quality protein, and other whole foods. You’ll consume colorful, unique meals, balanced in nutrients and good for you. Here are some healthy foods. Most of them are …

What Is Nutrition? How Is It Related To health?


Nutrition is the process in which an animal or plant takes in and uses food items. Necessary nutrients involve protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and minerals. Basically, 85% of daily energy utilize in the form of fat and carbohydrates, and just  15% is used from protein.  In humans, Nutrition is usually getting through the process of …